Category Archives: Practice

Practice and Super League Updates

Practice Update:

Due to work schedule conflicts we will not be able to practice as a team. Make sure you son practices on their own this week. 

Super League Update:

Our game location for Saturday has changed we will play at Don Reece Park (Pony Field), Logan. Please arrive by 12:45 striped jersey and knickers. 

1:30pm Blitz @ Syracuse Assault

3:30pm Morgan Trojans @ Blitz

Practice Thursday, 4/9 5-7pm Oak Forest Park

Great job Blitz on the great wins Monday night in our Ogden League! Our next practice will be on Thursday night, 4/7 from 5-7pm at Oak Forest Park. Please be there prior to practice start time. Here is a quote for today:

Never try to be better than someone else.
Learn from others and try to be the best you can be.
Success is the by-product of that preparation.
-John Wooden

Practice – Tuesday, March 17 5:30-7pm Oak Forest Park

Blitz had a great scrimmage and first outing on Saturday!  We will be having practice at Oak Forest Park on Tuesday, March 17th from 5:30-7:00pm.  The Team Roster page was updated, so take a minute and check it out.  Here’s a quote for our players to prepare for the tournament:

There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.                                                                                               – Derek Jeter