
baseball chalkThis website is created for family, players and fans of the 13U Blitz Baseball Team.  We are currently playing in the RMSB Super League and Ogden AABCU 13U Division.  For the 2015 season the Blitz will be playing playing 13U baseball in Rocky Mountain School of Baseball (RMSB) Tournaments, RMSB Super League on Saturdays, and Ogden City 13U AABCU League on weekdays.  Our parents and volunteers are strongly committed to serving the youth of our community and teaching them important life skills through the greatest game – baseball. 

Currently, our club facilitates baseball for approximately 10 young men from Davis County, Utah.  One additional goal, is for these youth to develop the skills and sportsmanship to compete in the future for their respective high school baseball programs.  Our club plays in many local and regional tournaments. We also will be participating in two leagues that will take us around Utah and Idaho. We believe strongly that playing baseball is one of the best ways to build confidence, maintain good physical fitness, and provide valuable teaching moments about teamwork and goals. We believe baseball, taught correctly, can prepare these young men for the challenges they will face in life.

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